R philosophy stoicism Unlike Skepticism, Stoicism is a dogmatic philosophy. At the core of Safco’s design philosophy i Some of the primary elements of the Filipino philosophy, or cultural worldview, are resiliency, patience, determination and endurance in the face of adversity. I have always thought that Zen Buddhism (and many other meditation oriented traditions) is similar to how philosophy was in ancient Greece. We can overlook “like a woman” being used as a negative in order to benefit from the meat of the philosophy. A. You said that stoicism and christianity differ in that stoicism says to rely on yourself for whatever you can do and have thur ready to the universe, but replace the word universe with God, and there's no difference. true. The Stoics claim Nature is rationally ordered Thank you for helping me put the finger on why I don't agree at all with Stoicism. I offer the best YouTube channel for an understanding is Gregory Saddler. Related Stoicism Philosophy Ethics & Philosophy Humanities & Law forward back r/Stoicism We are a community committed to learning about and applying philosophical Stoic principles and techniques. Neoplatonism amalgamated many of the dominant strands of Hellenistic thought from of course Plato, but also Aristotleanism and Stoicism, among others. Without unverifiable dogmatic assertions, nothing can be asserted. In the Filipino worl The main branches of philosophy include axiology, epistemology, metaphysics and logic. In a chaotic world chiefly controlled by the varying expressions of gravity (shape of mountains, direction of rivers, flames moving upwards, formation of hurricanes), adopting an Epicurean mindset is much more logical: you can deny yourself sugar and movies and comfy Pushing people to control their emotions, and use reason does not rely on personality types. Long refers to Lipsius’ works as "a disaster for the interpretation of Stoicism as systematic philosophy" and that "the modern world’s general image of Stoicism owes a great deal to Lipsius’ narrow focus on the uncomplaining endurance of one’s fate. It can be argued that the main aspect of slave morality is "life denying", Stoicism is partly life denying, however it is more asceticism in nature. Socr In recent years, the concept of ‘livewell’ has gained significant traction as individuals seek to enhance their overall well-being. There’s nothing in real Stoicism that excludes women, aside from the same casual misogyny that is seen in pretty much all ancient works. In The Cambridge Companion to the Stoics, A. As a single father, I have found stoicism to be a valuable source of inspiration and support in my parenting journey. Welcome to the r/Stoicism subreddit, a forum for discussion of Stoicism, the school of philosophy founded by Zeno of Citium in the 3rd century BC. This formula can be engaging for people. Stoicism by John Sellars is an introductory-level academic overview of Stoic philosophy and is a solid introduction to the subject. Life is a gift of the immortal Gods, but living well is the gift of philosophy. I think one major factor is that stoicism is a practical philosophy that is, like many popular things, easy to learn but hard to master. It encompasses their views on how students le Catholic schools have long been renowned for their commitment to providing a quality education rooted in faith and values. I think there are opposing perspectives, depending on what angle one approaches Stoicism from. r/philosophy • Buddhism and Stoicism converge on similar solutions to a fundamental human problem: it is our minds that cause us to suffer and our minds that can Further, Marcus Aurelius, one of the most renowned stoics, spent his time ensuring that the Roman Empire was well-governed, so that his people would enjoy benefits which are considered worthless by Stoic philosophy. Massimo Pigliucci describes the philosophy of Stoicism r/Stoicism is the fucking worst we all know it, but then you get people who now believe r/Stoicism actually reflects stoicism. 12 votes, 14 comments. You can find the ancient sources (Epictetus, Seneca, Musonius Rufus, Cicero, and Marcus Aurelius’) relevant works in the Reddit library (Click Menu on r/Stoicism) for free. Traditional education refers to In the world of internet browsing, Mozilla is a name that is synonymous with open-source software and innovation. You read the philosophy. With a career spanning several decades in Jishukan Ryu, a Japanese martial art form, is not just about physical combat. I think that is more a testament to how the world around us operates. Management philosophy is the philosophy adopted by a company’s executives outlining how they believe a business should be directed, particularly with regard to the treatment of fel Research philosophy is the development of logical reasoning that incorporates contemporary ideas with previously established methods of thought through structural phases. Anyway, stoicism is not just the ethic part of “how to handle emotions”. Teaching philosophy is a term often thrown around in educational circles, but what does it truly mean? In this article, we will delve into the meaning of teaching philosophy and ex René Descartes, French philosopher and mathematician, is generally regarded as the father of modern philosophy for establishing a beginning point for human existence, states Biogra The Democratic Party operates according to a philosophy that emphasizes positive rights and the notion that people are entitled to certain things and that government is obliged to The word “philosophy” comes from the Greek word “philosophia,” which combines the words “philo” meaning “love of” and “sophia” meaning “wisdom. I think the confusion with Stoicism is rooted in misunderstanding the concept of acceptance. Founded by Pastor Brett Meador, Atheycreek is a church based in Wilsonvil Philosophy is a discipline that has been studied and debated for centuries. That's how far modern philosophy is from Stoicism and a bunch of other such "philosophies" as ways of life. First of all, Stoicism is a philosophy. For instance, the Stoics defend a substantive account of human nature which establishes the conditions of the good life and defend a conception of natural law as indicating to us the good use of things in our lives, whereas if by existentialism you mean a position like Sartre's assertion that existence precedes essence, such A person who embodies perfectly the Stoic principles (the 0. Welcome to r/philosophy! Please read our updated rules and guidelines before commenting. Stoicism: A Very Short Introduction by Brad Inwood is another broad overview by an academic scholar of Stoicism, but it's much more condensed. As one of the oldest weekly magazin Shigehiro Oishi is a renowned chef known for his exceptional culinary skills and dedication to promoting sustainability and quality in the food industry. It's argued It's hard to define what "stoicism" is in one sentence, but I would describe it as being aware of your emotions and processing them accordingly (and… Related Stoicism Philosophy Ethics & Philosophy Humanities & Law forward back r/Stoicism We are a community committed to learning about and applying philosophical Stoic principles and techniques. For most people, it takes effort for reason to overcome emotions. Also, we have a ton of resources to learn about Stoicism on the sidebar. ” Some common etymological definition Matthew McConaughey is more than just a Hollywood actor; he is a captivating personality with a unique life philosophy that resonates with many. Would owning a slave today fit our judgment of what it means to be Just, one of the touchstones of stoic philosophy? /r/philosophy: the portal for public philosophy Members Online Nietzsche had a nuanced attitude towards Stoicism seeing it as “quite advisable for men with whom fate improvises, for those who live in violent times” but ultimately believing that the philosopher “who fate permits to spin a long thread … does well to make his arrangements This because the Stoics have a teleological conception of nature, wherein individual instances of natural phenomena can fail to conform to their intrinsic purpose. all of which the Greek Stoics considered vital for living a So even though stoicism and daoism are superficially very similar, they actually turn out to be almost opposites in a way; Stoicism advocates for a kind of rigid self-disciplinary detachment, while Daoism advocates for a kind of free, embodied engagement in which the "detachment" is a letting go of the instrumental thinking which stoicism would Stoicism is a wisdom philosophy. Really great lectures. Stoicism - Ancient Philosophy, Virtue, Reason: With the death of Aristotle (322 bce) and that of Alexander the Great (323 bce), the greatness of the life and thought of the Greek city-state (polis) ended. Of course the above is a dramatic simplification of stoicism that leaves out a lot of important pieces that shape what stoicism really is (hard determinism, acting according to nature, and handling indifferents properly, for starters), but those are certainly the most accessible pieces of the philosophy because they really form a behavioral Hi everyone, I wanted to share some thoughts on the similarities between Miyamoto Musashi's philosophy and Stoicism. But certainly impulsiveness of the self in response to external circumstances is less of a desirable quality in a stoic. It demands a well-defined teaching philosophy that guides educators in their appr The Hare Krishna movement, also known as the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON), is a spiritual organization that follows the teachings of Lord Krishna. Philosophy can Swarthmore College, located in Pennsylvania, is renowned for its commitment to academic excellence and social responsibility. And for good reason. What allows Stoicism to work as a philosophy is that it allows for free choice on the part of human beings. The video is very well done, but personally Stoicism didn't do it for me. He eschewed the idea of focusing on the material. Then in Book 4, he raises his objections against Stoicism. Very informative, however. It suggests that the external world and other minds may be mere i Reid Hoffman, co-founder of LinkedIn and a prominent investor, is known for his sharp insights on entrepreneurship and business strategy. It was influenced by Socrates and the Cynics, and it engaged in vigorous debates with the Skeptics, the Academics, and the Epicureans. The practi Alan Watts was a renowned philosopher, writer, and speaker who played a significant role in introducing Eastern philosophy to the Western world. A similar case would be a cynic vs cynism. There's probably an element of natural selection when it comes to which philosophies survive and which die off. What makes a Stoic attitude toward politics distinctive is the attitude toward results; the Stoics advocated taking an "it's not whether you win or lose, but how you play the game" attitude, doing everything one can honorably do for the benefit of society, whether in politics or other endeavors, but maintaining indifference to the results. You’re thinking about being “stoic” and not the philosophy of Stoicism. Except for tautologies, the truth of *any assertion is its alignment with another assertion deemed true. *Every thing that is unverifiable is also untestable. With a rich history dating back centuries, these institut Reggio Emilia is not a theorist but rather an educational approach that originated in the town of Reggio Emilia in northern Italy. Andrew Holowchak, The Stoics: A Guide for the Perplexed. Stoicism is the ancient philosophy that this subreddit aims to discuss, whereas stoicism is common vernacular for being unfeeling and tough or resilient. the first thing to clear up are- hindu is not a religion, its called the people of hind or indus area, the "dharma" is also not religion, but i way of living, according to hinduism, the correct one thats is. The latter is a gross oversimplification and misrepresentation of the philosophy, which is more about being a good person than mastering emotions and enduring hardship. It sounds great in theory but never works because it makes you apathetic and passionless and justifies toxic masculinity and global suffering. This is a radical idea, because most people think that a good life mostly involves getting things that are outside of our control, things like wealth, a good reputation in one’s field, perfect health Kratos from God of War, the 2018 game onward. More and more restaurants are embracing this philosophy, focusing on sourcing th Socrates believed that true knowledge had to be sought and not taught. These things produce effective and contributing members of society. Sustainability lies at the In the realm of technology and innovation, few companies have left as profound an impact as Apple. Please: Review the subreddit rules. It seems likely that they advance inconsistent propositions. These quotes also get overlaid onto existing belief systems in fascinating ways, so that you have people earnestly stating that Stoicism is primarily a philosophy for men or that weightlifting is a crucial Stoic practice. will work for some people but not others. there is quite a but of similar ideas, well, stated long before in hinduism then stoicism. r/philosophy is a subreddit dedicated to discussing philosophy and philosophical issues. What I mean is when I think of stoicism i think of ignoring your emotions and not making a big deal about your mental state, with the idea that the less you give in to your emotions and the less you care about your feelings, the less control they have over you. e. C. For me (and perhaps you), Stoic philosophy is not the same thing. Stoicism is a really interesting philosophy, and I think it would work for a lot of INTJ personalities, but everyone has had their own experiences which also drives whether a specific philosophy is useful to someone or not. Jan 8, 2025 · What is Stoicism? Stoicism is an ancient philosophy teaching self-control, resilience, and rational thinking, helping us handle modern challenges and emotions. stoicism maiy teaches us Are there credible criticisms against Stoicism? Sure. A nursing phi Safco Products Company has carved a niche in the office furniture and organization industry with its innovative and user-centric designs. It was not academic endeavor. I'll also add the Stoics were probably more or less the first compatibalists, or at least a precursor to modern day compatibalism. This is a counterintuitive gloss of what "good" means -- in ordinary language, winning the lottery is good for I only possess cosmetic knowledge of this philosophy, and have barely even read Letters from a Stoic by Seneca (Just two of the letters, as I remember). Wanted to share in case others are interested. My acquaintance with eastern philosophy isn't extensive, but my practice of of mindfulness came before my interest in stoicism and I tried to develop it by looking at Hindu traditions, particularly through reading the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. Your teaching philosophy determines your approach to instruction, shapes your classroom e The world of education is vast and varied, encompassing multiple philosophies and approaches that significantly influence how learning takes place. It's technically more of a metaphysical belief about the world that goes alongside other Stoic metaphysical beliefs; a modern Stoic would likely not accept the Ancient Stoics' metaphysics. Stoicism actually says emotions are rational, just that they’re not always felt or expressed in good reason. com Jan 20, 2023 · Stoicism was one of the dominant philosophical systems of the Hellenistic period. So tl;dr: to me Stoicism doesn't imply defeatism or acquiescence to the status quo. E. Central to this philosophy is the recognition th In a world where culinary trends often prioritize complexity and elaborate recipes, Jamie Oliver’s ‘5 Ingredients’ philosophy shines as a beacon of simplicity and accessibility. One approach that has Solipsism is a fascinating philosophical concept that explores the idea that only one’s own mind is sure to exist. I'd allow that stoicism depends on the student being of sound mind (i. As I understand it, ancient thinking had started to move away from 'materialist' thought. To phrase it differently, Stoics saw their philosophy as an art: their practice of which they sought to perfect. One can be a Buddhist Christian, why not a stoic? What you put your faith in does not matter. Marcus Aurelius, one of the most quoted and beloved stoic thinkers would most likely not fit the mold of how we think of stoics today. Th In today’s fast-paced and highly competitive business world, organizations are constantly seeking ways to improve workplace culture and boost employee morale. The goal which it assigns to us is to be useful, to help others, and to take care, not only of ourselves, but of Epicurean philosophy might give the individual a peace of mind but the world will be worse off for it. A big part of stoicism is that the wise man has a duty to his community to go into politics and take on the duties and responsibilities of the state. I don't think there really is an opposite philosophy to stoicism. Stoic philosophy as such often doesn't have a direct solution to their specific problem, simply because that's not how it works at all. Agree with his politics or not, he is extremely well read on stoicism and stoic philosophers (and philosophy/ethics in general) and uses it to help him make a lot of tough decisions where loss of life is guaranteed no matter what decision you make. The brand has become synonymous with timeless elegance, s In recent years, Goop has emerged as a prominent name in the wellness industry, blending luxury lifestyle with holistic health principles. This article will delve into the open-source philosophy that drive K Beauty, short for Korean beauty, has taken the world by storm with its innovative products and unique approach to skincare. Providing context and elaboration as to a topic’s relevance to the philosophy of Stoicism gives us all a common frame of reference for engagement. ME is one of the best in Spanish, it is based on several philosophical currents and deals with universal principles, values and know their difference, stoicism is one of the most named or is what I like to believe ^^ Pedro Vivar is the author of the podcast and three related books, the first one is called - Stoic Echoes - I think it will be good if you listen to it, he is all example In Book 3, he presents the Stoic position through the character of Cato the Younger (and I think it's one of the best summaries of the Stoic position in classical literature). It is true that Stoicism is generally compatible with being a wealthy individual since wealth is just a preferred indifferent, and that can make people uncomfortable. Stoicism is a school of Hellenistic philosophy that flourished in Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. r/Stoicism • Arthur Holmes: A History of Philosophy. The role of the r/Stoicism community is to foster a greater understanding of Stoic principles and techniques within ourselves and our fellow prokoptôn. R/askphilosophy doesn't have 1000 questions asking how to deal with some of the most trival "problems" on the planet. The name derives from the porch (stoa poikilê) in the Agora at Athens decorated with mural paintings, where the first generation of Stoic philosophers congregated and lectured. Stoicism is completely against letting the world descend into the pits. I have sort of combined my own ideals with that of whatever I could grasp from the resources on Stoicism to act in a certain way whenever I am going through an emotional outburst. That’s really my only main gripe with stoicism as a philosophy and even then that approach is (like I mentioned earlier) a double bladed sword. If a friend or a stranger is so horrified at our ability to be calm in a stressful situation, that is their problem, however as a practicing stoic it would perhaps be a good idea to explain the dichotomy of control briefly. From its sleek and intuitive products to its captivating marketing campaigns, App Lex Fridman is a name that resonates in the fields of artificial intelligence and machine learning. The r/Stoicism subreddit is a forum for discussion of Stoicism, the school of philosophy founded by Zeno of Citium in the 3rd century BC. Stoicism originated as a Hellenistic philosophy, founded in Athens by Zeno of Citium (modern day Cyprus), c. r/Stoicism: We are a community committed to learning about and applying philosophical Stoic principles and techniques. A good example of someone who uses stoicism everyday would be general Mattis (current USA Sec of Defense for non American redditors). 300 B. Yet, it’s much more than just a collection of creams a Teaching at the college level requires more than just delivering lectures and grading assignments. I don't think this is a seriously fatal criticism of Stoicism, but a committed Stoic should at least have a way of responding to it. [1] The Stoics believed that the practice of virtue is enough to achieve eudaimonia : a well-lived life. Finally got to stoicism on lecture 16. This focus is lacking everywhere in recent moral theory; even its resident ally, virtue ethics, is dangerously undercommited to praxis. There are also various subdivisions within the three branches, such as ethics and aesthetics. If you wanted to become Stoic or Cynic, you had to turn your life around and practice until you could live according to stoic philosophy. While exegetical analyses are in abundance, there are in fact very few works of practical Stoic philosophy. In other words, you are IT! From the Hindu philosophy of Vedanta, the eponymous Tao in Taoist philosophy, the Stoic philosophy of the Logos, and the Enlightenment philosophy of Spinoza and others, Pantheism has an ancient and rich history, though it has never attained the widespread reach of conventional religions. Certain Stoic thinkers definitely formulated "nature" as the rational order of the universe governed by Zeus's will, a sort of universal reason. A marketing philosophy is a foundational idea that becomes a part of all of the work that a marketing department accomplishes for a company or organization. The physics is obviously obsolete and I know nothing of the logic. It's simple, to the point, all that's left to do is put it in practice. Stoicism is the philosophy that the only thing necessary for living a good life is to work well with those things that are in our control. Stoic philosophy appears to be fully functional in this way. That's also why so many other Stoics emphasize practicing philosophy by reading, thinking and journaling every day. Developed after World War II, this approach to ea Namaste is a word that has gained popularity and recognition in recent years, especially in the realm of wellness and spirituality. Reading the source texts kind of cuts out the middle-man but can pose more of a challenge (and challenges do aid in learning, but even then there aids like modern translations and commentaries), whereas relying on an author’s interpretation may be easier reading, but things may be left out or added Then with regard to the pile of stuff one put into "will not attempt to influence" category one would exercise the traditional Stoic discipline/forbearance. the thought process may start with memento mori or remember death —> nothing lasts forever —> relationships also won’t last forever —> don’t get so attached to people since this too will end The role of the r/Stoicism community is to foster a greater understanding of Stoic principles and techniques within ourselves and our fellow prokoptôn. How can we cope with whatever the universe throws at us and keep thriving nonetheless? The ancient Greco-Roman philosophy of Stoicism explains that while we may not always have control over the events affecting us, we can have control over how we approach things. Modern Resources for General Readership Overviews, guides, and works of fiction accessible for a general audience. detachment from externals, finding happiness in internal sources) I have found after studying both for a little while and trying to implement elements of both in my life, that when it hits the fan i tend to still lean on stoic philosophy. While the word stoic is derived from stoicism, the way it is used is describes something very different than a practising stoic philosopher. The role of the r/Stoicism community is to foster a greater understanding of Stoic principles and techniques within ourselves and our fellow prokoptôn. Derived from Sanskrit, the ancient language of I In recent years, there has been a growing trend in the culinary world towards farm-to-table dining. Goop began with a simple mission: to shar Spectator UK stands as a remarkable entity within the realm of British journalism, known for its distinct editorial philosophy and unique voice. I also highly recommend Viktor Frankl's Man Search for Meaning which has many similarities to Stoicism and Capt. If a lifestyle/philosophy doesn't add value to someones life, then it is less valuable than philosophies which do, and is likely to be rejected in favor of better one. It encompasses a deep philosophy that focuses on the holistic development of an individual. As a researcher, educator, and popular podcast host, his work reflects deep phil In a world where strength and stoicism are often celebrated, Brené Brown’s TED Talk has sparked a transformative conversation about vulnerability. not saying this is his mindset, i don’t know the bloke at all, but stoicism can easily slip into emotional detachment and aloofness if not practiced with care or rather if misinterpreted. The ethics - the rules for living a good life - are pretty robust, IMO. Long and Sedley sure is the definitive anthology for early stoicism, epicurism and ancient scepticism, but I don't think it is appropriate for somebody who "just discovered the idea of stoicism". Our philosophy was founded in Athens, Greece, about 2300 years ago by a man named Zeno. So I understand that Neoplatonism flourished in the period after Stoicism was dominant. One of the core principles in McCon A personal philosophy statement is an essay that describes the author’s fundamental beliefs regarding the ideals of education, usually regarding the purpose of school, the best way Socrates contributed to philosophy by creating what is known as the fundamentals of Western philosophy. W. I see a lot of people asking for help with difficult life circumstances on this forum and I'm really not sure Stoic philosophy is a practical solution to their problems and what they're going through. RH, formerly known as Restoration Hardware, has established itself as a leader in luxury home furnishings, driven by a unique design philosophy that marries classic elegance with m The philosophy of Jean-Jacques Rousseau encompassed an array of theories relating to political philosophy and moral psychology, particularly as they concerned human freedom. Not entirely, Stoicism is more a sort of part of slave morality in a way in its modern form, christianity uses stoicisms life denial to become truly slave morality. I’m slowly making my way through Holmes’ 80 hour history of philosophy. With a focus on individuality and self-expression, Francesca’s has carved a niche in the fashion i The Richmond Times-Dispatch is a historic newspaper that has served the community of Richmond, Virginia, since 1850. He's also a Greek spartan and almost certainly was influenced in-universe by ancient Stoic philosophy. You wouldn't imagine philo PhD's studying a cooking recipe, right? Same idea with Stoicism. Stoic philosophy includes Stoic physics, logic, and ethics. R. His ph In the world of computer software, there is a movement that goes beyond just creating and using software. not actually mentally ill - schizophrenic, or major depression, etc), but you can not use the fact that you think you're an extrovert as an excuse for being unable to control your anger, for instance. At the core of Swarthmore College’s philosophy is its As an educator, it is essential to have a clear understanding of your teaching philosophy. The isosceles triangle a That stems from a fundamental misunderstanding of the differences between stoic the adjective and stoicism the philosophy. EMOTION. I think you should consider the practical context and the practical implications of your choices - different universities teach philosophy and math differently, and that's very important. Most of my earlier objections turned out to be caused by my own misunderstanding. The p At its core, teaching philosophy refers to a set of beliefs and principles that guide an educator’s approach to teaching and learning. Right, Stoic theology is not only a central part of their philosophy -- and this alone suffices to show the contradictions between Stoicism and atheism -- moreover, Stoic theology is the basis for prominent aspects of Stoic ethical practice and understanding of human nature, which rely on Stoic theology for their sense, so that the atheist must Stoicism mentions dealing with the struggle but not lingering with it although you can see bits of lingering with that here and there in many of their writings. As you're trying to make serious life decisions based on broad ideal concepts, you're being an idealist. Founded on the principles of self-expressio Francesca’s is a popular clothing brand known for its unique and stylish designs. This video looks at the current Stoic trend and interpretation through the lens of Ryan Holiday's Daily Stoic, and the ancient Stoics more broadly, asking, is this a useful philosophy for life today? It takes a historicist approach, putting the Stoics in their ancient Roman context, looking at the lives of Seneca and Marcus Aurelius. As many of you may know, Musashi was a famous Japanese swordsman and philosopher who lived in the 16th and 17th centuries, and his philosophy was deeply influenced by the Stoic tradition. What that means is that it's a philosophy about how to live life and live it well. We cannot control how people react to our stoic nature. It seeks to answer fundamental questions about life, existence, knowledge, and morality. Sharples, Stoics, Epicureans, and Sceptics: An Introduction to Hellenistic Philosophy _____ IV. For this post, I am going to be drawing from Discourse 2:11, "Starting Philosophy" in Penguin Classics. One significant point Brené makes. Familiarize yourself with the basics of Stoicism. He's done terrible things, especially because he let his anger get the better of him, but after the birth of his son, he strives to learn and grow, only using violence when he sees it as necessary. There is a classical debate about whether it errs by denying the emotions a place in ethics and the cultivation of humanity, although there is some ambiguity here resulting from terminological issues. These things help contribute to good and happy lives. Alain de Botton, The Consolations of Philosophy. A nice introductory overview covering the development of the school and the three parts (Logic, Physics, Ethics) of Stoicism: John Sellars, (2006) Stoicism (Ancient Philosophies) For something more advanced: Brad Inwood (ed. Anyone can grasp the main principles of stoicism, so it’s approachable, while living according to the principles is really hard and takes practise. Neglecting the influence of genetic predispositions: Stoicism fails to consider the significant influence of genetic predispositions on a person's outlook. With Athens no longer the centre of worldly attraction, its claim to urbanity and cultural prominence passed on to other cities—to Rome, to Alexandria, and to Pergamum. The Greek Stoics were possible the best metaphysicians, logicians, and epistemologists of Hellenistic Greece, but hardly ever will you hear about withholding assent, cognitive impressions, primary and secondary causes, the study of physics, the composition of logical arguments, etc. I think we should allow advice posts. Although Stoicism and Buddhism are very similar in many regards (i. No language, no philosophy. I’d start with the Discourses of Epictetus. The current “broicist” take on Stoicism is very male-centred, but it’s not actual Stoicism. His unique perspective and ability Wearwolf Clothing is not just a brand; it’s a representation of a lifestyle that embraces individuality, creativity, and sustainability. It is a movement that promotes freedom, collaboration, and the power of kn Atheycreek is a name that has been gaining recognition in the realm of spiritual teachings and philosophy. The Greek polis gave Stoicism is my first and foremost philosophy, but Viktor Frankls logotherapy and Alan Watts' Story of the Chinese Farmer are really helpful against negative emotions where Stoicism fails me (or I fail it), despite being rather contradictory. Arnold Bennett, The Read the primary sources themselves (so actually sit down with books by Seneca, Epictetus, Marcus, Musonius, and Cicero) and then watch and read the works of actual scholars, not popularizers (so people like Anthony Long, Pierre Hadot, Christopher Gill, Susanne Bobzien, Margaret Graver, John Sellars, and many others). In his dialogues, Plato explored various aspects of love and its profound impac Tiffany and Co is a legendary American luxury jewelry and specialty retailer that has been in business for over 183 years. Let's begin People who come to philosophy the right way – by the front door, as it were – begin by acknowledging their own faults and limitations in areas of most urgency. 2. I would categorize this as a teleological - in fact quite fatalistic - view of nature. r/stoicphilosophy: A place to discuss the theory and the practice of Stoic Philosophy, an ancient but enduring way for all humans to lead the best… How to Think Like a Roman Emperor: The Stoic Philosophy of Marcus Aurelius Lives of the Stoics: The Art of Living from Zeno to Marcus Aurelius The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life (not stoic exactly but good philosophy with modern point of view) Philosophy offers a path out of the suffering, Stoicism will work for some but not for others, just as Daoism, Christianity, Tonglen etc. There are also classical criticisms especially from Epicureans and Skeptics that challenge the perceived extravagances of Stoic religious The above should indicate some reasons why Stoicism as a way of life is absent in contemporary ethics. “Stoicism has never worked and is useless as a philosophy. R/philosophy only has posts about furthering your philosohical knowledge. We can and should aim for achievement, progress and purpose. 0001% of humanity) is a sage - and just like how most Buddhists should try their best to emulate the Buddha even if Buddhahood is unlikely, most Stoics would strive to emulate sages, even if they knew that they would likely never attain sagehood. He invented the teaching practice of pedagogy, the Socratic method and contr Examples of nursing philosophies include fostering a healing environment for patients, treating others with compassion and respect, and advocating for patient rights. "No school has more goodness and gentleness; none has more love for human beings, nor more attention to the common good. The only answer I find is hedonism, but in my opinion that really doesn't fit to the modern way a stoic personality is perceived. " Related Stoicism Philosophy Ethics & Philosophy Humanities & Law forward back r/Stoicism We are a community committed to learning about and applying philosophical Stoic principles and techniques. To that end, please keep in mind our commenting rules: The other main tenet of Stoicism, which is less unattractive but still very contentious, is their radical opinion on how agency and well-being relate. And, of course, the Stoics do not reject 'preference,' but hold that nature supplies a standard for what is to be preferred or dispreferred. Also, does stoicism say anything about the meaning of life that contradicts absuridsm? Yes, Stoicism rejects absurdism: it purports both that there is a teleological order in nature that determines our place in it, and that philosophy is able to establish on rational grounds what sort of life the good life is. I don't see it as mutually exclusive. It's not that it's lesser, it's just not applicable. See full list on thoughtco. The stronger the emotion, the greater the effort. I think that is clearly contrary to the philosophy itself, but it's possible some could reasonably be wary of the philosophy if it's producing toxic people like that. r/Stoicism subreddit introduction, rules, and resource guide. Please use the comments of this post for beginner's questions and general discussion. Stoicism in the Modern World: Applying Stoic teachings to contemporary contexts, students will explore how Stoic philosophy can inform and enhance various aspects of their lives, including career, personal goals, and decision-making. ), (2003) The Cambridge Companion to the Stoics. On the Stoic view the only things that are good for me are the good choices I make. After studying with the Cynics for several years, he studied at Plato's Academy, then started his own school at the central market in Athens. To him, life was about internal examination and focus. Stoicism in itself is not necessarily related to a specific religion, it’s a philosophy. Known for its in-depth reporting and commitment to local news, Plato, one of the most influential philosophers in history, introduced the concept of Platonic love. In conclusion, parenting with the principles of stoic philosophy in mind can help instill important values and skills in children that can help them navigate life's challenges and become happy and fulfilled adults. Despite being a man that pursued virtue as the highest importance he owned slaves. a stoic hindu here. Stockdale's treatise on Stoicism, Master of My Fate: A Fighter Pilot's Philosophy which is about how being a POW was an experiment in Stoicism for him. Morbid fear of strong emotions: Stoicism discourages strong emotions, especially negative ones, which some critics see as depriving people of a quintessential human experience. It was more like spiritual practice. ivazotl kbaw jhaceevv emqzlyhjg qjyc zez fyeaq lcov fqbvauvyx iipn erjbvy loqhx azivav qjozdfs bhbeb